Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Grammar and composition Pet peeve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Grammar and composition Pet peeve - Essay Example Just a few minutes will not hurt you at all. I am ___ and I will talk about my pet peeve. If you suddenly interrupt me when I am saying something, or when I am obviously concentrated on a particular task, you will get killed by poisoned arrows from my gaze or receive sarcastic responses to brainless questions. I think hard before and even as I speak. I do not throw words carelessly like crumpled paper missing the trash as its target. The thinking-before-and-while-speaking process is an arduous and sophisticated process for me. It needs and involves order, analysis, and reflection. I frequently speak because I want to say something important. Oftentimes, I want to defend my ideas or claims, or give instructions to others. These arguments and instructions are from my consciousness and subconsciousness, so it is important for these words to flow out continuously. Interruptions are the bane of my creative juices. Attention and concentration will be gone, and I will be loss for words. When I am also doing something, I devote my whole body and mind on it. I remember I was writing a complaint letter to a company, when my dear cousin interrupted me. I forgot a very important detail, which I believed was crucial to my complaint. I could not remember that lost detail up to now. And up to now, that complaint remains unresolved. Point 2: I admit that I have memory retrieval problems, so interruptions stress me to the point that my look alone will feel like arrows on your skin, or my responses to thoughtless questions will result to sarcasm. Interrupt me and arrows will come from my eyes. You will feel yourself shrinking, as I say: â€Å"Can you not wait? I am speaking and you will have your turn. Now that you have interrupted me, you twisted my sanity and dislodged me from humanity.† And then I will smile to dissipate tension. After that, I will say, â€Å"Please do not interrupt me again. What do you have to say that is

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cost Behaviors and Allocation Essay Example for Free

Cost Behaviors and Allocation Essay The relationship between fixed, variable, and total costs of an organization is called cost behavior. It is also known as underlying cost structure, and is used for planning, control, and decision making within the organization. Healthcare organizations face several challenges to try and improve the quality of care and reduce costs at the same time. Their response to how to do this describes their cost behavior. Fixed costs is a cost that are certain regardless of the volume of services that are delivered and will occur even if the facility is closed. Variable costs are related directly to the amount of service that is delivered. These two costs make up the underlying cost structure of an organization. For example the costs of supplies used to draw blood in a laboratory, would be the variable costs, the costs to keep the laboratory open would be fixed costs. To understand the cost behaviors of the organization you have to figure out the relationship these costs have with the amount of services that they are delivering. To manage your costs you want to make sure that you are bringing in enough volume that will cover your costs. Cost allocation is a very important part of cost measurement. It is a pricing process that within the organization where managers allocate the costs of all the departments. Within healthcare organizations the overhead costs, costs from patient services departments, and support costs have to be allocated. Due to this pricing and service offerings are based on the total costs in relation with each services. If the allocations of overhead costs are allocated properly the organization is better able to make good decisions for the organization. Works Cited Evans III, J. H. (1998). Cost Management and Management Control in Healthcare Organizations: Research Opportunities. Behavioral Research in Accounting , 10, 78-103. Gapenski, L. (2012). Healthcare finance: An introduction to accounting and financial management (5th ed. ). Chicago: Health Administration Press.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Narrative Essay :: Personal Narrative

David The chaos from my teenage sister’s birthday party was deafening. Somehow through the noise, I registered that the phone was ringing. Jumping up, my sister answered it in hopes of hearing her boyfriend’s voice. A look of concern and confusion crossed her face as she handed me the phone. She mouthed the word "David" as I placed the receiver to my ear. Immediately I began fighting off a panic I could not yet explain. Dead. David. Crying and screaming assaulted my senses. "He's dead. He's dead," were all I could hear. I wondered briefly if this was someone’s idea of a cruel joke. But, within moments, the cold reality of this life changing nightmare set in. How could something like this happen to someone I was so close to? I had just talked to him that morning. We were supposed to meet up later to hang out like always. My heart hurt; I couldn’t breathe. It was like I was stuck in a bad movie and I couldn’t turn it off. The tears just wouldn’t stop. I had to see for myself. I slipped my shoes on, grabbed my keys, and rushed to my car. The drive to David’s house was agonizing. I could barely see the road through my tears. The whole drive my mind was racing, trying to grasp the reality of what just happened. Once I got there and saw the ambulances, the policemen, and the look in his family’s eyes it hit me like a ton of bricks. He was really gone and not coming back. I've never seen a body bag with a real body in it. Not in real life and not with one of my friends inside. But there he was surrounded by detectives as the Emergency medical technicians were loading him into the ambulance. I'll never be able to erase that image from my mind and believe me, I have tried. David was a close friend of mine. We had known each other since elementary school. He was the one that could make me laugh nonstop and without even trying to. I could always depend on him to lift my spirits. He had the most amazing caramel eyes that seemed liked they stared into your soul.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

High School Internet Censorship Essays -- Argumentative Persuasive Top

High School Internet Censorship       The common image that comes to mind on the topic of censorship is that of book burning. Dating back to ancient times, the easiest way to deal with unwanted writings has been to get rid of them, usually by heaping them into a blazing pyre. In his most famous science fiction novel, Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury warns of a futuristic society where all literature is destroyed under a kerosene flame and the citizens' freedoms are kept in check by the lack of written information. In fear of this kind of totalitarianism, many bibliophiles have fought against all manners of censorship, wielding the first amendment and the rights recognized by our fore-fathers. But with the technological advances of this the last decade of the twentieth century and the up welling of a new informational medium comes a new twist to the struggle for freedom of expression.    The inherent educational value of the Internet is being realized in schools across the country. The vast web of information is easily accessible and is quickly taking the place of traditional library resources, because of its current events and diverse views. Understanding the importance of this new technology, the Clinton administration is pushing for school Internet connection with the goal of "more than 97 percent of public schools connected by the year 2000 (Hoffman 15)." However, serious problems arise due to the very nature of the Net. Alongside the educational and commercial resources are sites with pornography, criminal advocacy, and illegal drug manufacturing information. According to Syllabus magazine, "a keystone question becomes how to deal with this richness and diversity of information and interchanges while providing a safe e... ...ndividuals is a far better educational goal than developing 'regulated' individuals (Grinnell)." While high school students are learning other skills to prepare them for the rest of their lives, they can also learn, through a powerful medium like the Internet, responsibility. In this way students can also realize the dimensions of their freedom of expression and inalienable rights, that are so very often taken for granted.    Bibliography Bruce, Marty (1999). Censorship on the Internet. [Online] Available: Grinnel, Curt. Internet Issues: Hotchkiss High School Internet Policy Hoffman, Ellen. "The Dark Side of the Internet: Controls on Student Access." Syllabus High School Edition. September, 1999. pp14-17. Net Censorship Crisis. [Online] Hotwired. Available: High School Internet Censorship Essays -- Argumentative Persuasive Top High School Internet Censorship       The common image that comes to mind on the topic of censorship is that of book burning. Dating back to ancient times, the easiest way to deal with unwanted writings has been to get rid of them, usually by heaping them into a blazing pyre. In his most famous science fiction novel, Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury warns of a futuristic society where all literature is destroyed under a kerosene flame and the citizens' freedoms are kept in check by the lack of written information. In fear of this kind of totalitarianism, many bibliophiles have fought against all manners of censorship, wielding the first amendment and the rights recognized by our fore-fathers. But with the technological advances of this the last decade of the twentieth century and the up welling of a new informational medium comes a new twist to the struggle for freedom of expression.    The inherent educational value of the Internet is being realized in schools across the country. The vast web of information is easily accessible and is quickly taking the place of traditional library resources, because of its current events and diverse views. Understanding the importance of this new technology, the Clinton administration is pushing for school Internet connection with the goal of "more than 97 percent of public schools connected by the year 2000 (Hoffman 15)." However, serious problems arise due to the very nature of the Net. Alongside the educational and commercial resources are sites with pornography, criminal advocacy, and illegal drug manufacturing information. According to Syllabus magazine, "a keystone question becomes how to deal with this richness and diversity of information and interchanges while providing a safe e... ...ndividuals is a far better educational goal than developing 'regulated' individuals (Grinnell)." While high school students are learning other skills to prepare them for the rest of their lives, they can also learn, through a powerful medium like the Internet, responsibility. In this way students can also realize the dimensions of their freedom of expression and inalienable rights, that are so very often taken for granted.    Bibliography Bruce, Marty (1999). Censorship on the Internet. [Online] Available: Grinnel, Curt. Internet Issues: Hotchkiss High School Internet Policy Hoffman, Ellen. "The Dark Side of the Internet: Controls on Student Access." Syllabus High School Edition. September, 1999. pp14-17. Net Censorship Crisis. [Online] Hotwired. Available:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Miller Associated Communications

1. How does Miller fit the profile of the average fraud perpetrator? How does he differ? How did these characteristics make him difficult to detect? Miller fit the profile of the average fraud perpetrator is that he has seem to look like everyone else in the business world who is well liked and seem to be an ideal employee. Purpose of Miller is trying to gain the trust of his employer and colleagues. That’s why Miller works so hard on the constant energetic attempt to conceal his fraud. Miller differed from other fraud perpetrators because he was a sensible person. He has realized that embezzle he done was not right. When he caught by the employer, he promised will pay back all the money that he had stolen from earlier fraud. These characteristics made it difficult to detect Miller because he was trusted by his employer and colleagues. He would dedicate and put more effort on his job, and said to do outstanding work. This added by Miller being a very likeable person simply proved to make his evildoings very hard to detect. 2. Explain the three elements of the opportunity triangle (commit, conceal, convert), and discuss how Miller Associated Communications. What specific concealment techniques did his actions? Miller accomplished the three elements of the opportunity triangle in embezzling funds from Associated Communications by stealing money from his employers through forged checks. He would trick colleagues into signing their names to checks requiring two authorizing signatures. He would do this by asking them to sign the checks just in case the company needed to authorize a payment while they were on vacation. Miller concealed the fraud by intercepting the bank reconciliation and destroying the cancelled checks he used to siphon money. He then wrote off the amount to an expense account in order to balance the company’s book balance. Since Miller converted the checks he had written into his personal account to convert the funds into personal gain. 3. What pressures motivated Miller to embezzle? How did Miller rationalize his actions? Pressure is a person’s incentive or motivation for committing fraud. In this case, Miller faced a pressure vanity of his lifestyle which motivated Miller to continue to commit fraud. This is because he needs to buy luxury goods and lavish lifestyle. Miller rationalized his actions by saying he was not a bad person and he promised to all victim companies he would paid back the money that he stole. 4. Miller had a framed T-shirt in his office that said, â€Å"He who dies with the most toys wins. † What does this tell you about Miller? What lifestyle red flags could have tipped off the company to the possibility of fraud? Miller’s framed T-shirt showed that he was extremely motivated by material things and needs a lot of money to support his motivation. The lifestyle red flags could have tipped off the company were that Miller was spending his salary most likely could have supported, such as buying a lavish suburban home, expensive suits, diamond, ruby, a new car, and others. 5. Why do companies hesitate to prosecute white-collar criminals? What are the consequences of not prosecuting? How could law enforcement officials encourage more prosecution? Companies hesitate to prosecute white-collar criminals because they will be going to worry that fraud perpetrators will continue to exploit a company if they going to be prosecuted the fraud perpetrators. Fraud perpetrators will be going to revenge those companies who prosecute them as they are clearly about the weakness of the internal controls of their existing companies. So that, they can easily to sabotage each companies. Law enforcement Officials could encourage companies to report and prosecute fraud and hold them responsible if they know about the fraud committed. This would prevent more fraud acts happen in the future because employees know they will be prosecuted for committing fraud. 6. What could the victimized companies have done to prevent Miller’s embezzlement? Wheeling Bronze could have better enforced proper authorization and approval controls over access to cash and bank checks and to the means of writing and signing checks. Crest Industries could have been prevented or at least detected by better control over monthly bank statements and their reconciliation. In all but the first fraud, a more thorough background check of Miller may have revealed his past fraudulent activities and the company could have avoided the problems that arose after he was hired.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

s With Morrie

â€Å"Tuesday’s With Morrie: An Old Man, A Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson† by Mitch Albom has a title which outlines the direction of the book. An older man, Morrie, a young man, Mitch, and about life’s greatest lesson. Morrie was a professor at Brandeis University in Massachusetts when Mitch attended college. Morrie was his favorite professor. A few years after Morrie was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ASL) he was unable to teach anymore. This was about 20 years after Mitch graduated from the University. After graduation, Mitch didn’t stay in contact with his college friends or his favorite teacher Morrie. When Mitch heard â€Å"Who is Morrie Schwartz† on ABC’s â€Å"Nightline† he couldn’t believe what he had heard. Mitch was both horrified and ashamed. It was then he heard about Morrie’s illness. Finally Mitch went to see him. From then on Mitch visited Morrie every Tuesday. Whenever they met, they would talk about the meaning of life. Mitch wrote a list of topics he wanted to talk about. The list consisted of death, fear, aging, greed, marriage, family, society, forgiveness, and a meaningful life. Morrie went through all of these topics, plus more. Morrie helped Mitch understand that there is more to life than money and materialistic things. From the first Tuesday until the last Tuesday, Mitch listened to Morrie, his coach, talk about the real meaning of life. How much life means to you when you are about to die. How much people take for granted. Mitch sometimes looks back at the person he was. He wishes he could change the way he was back then but he can’t. The one thing he really learned was that there is no such thing as â€Å"too late† in life. This book was Mitch’s final project from Morrie. While in college, Mitch wrote a thesis for Morrie, now he wrote another one, but this time it has become a very popular book. As of the summer of 19... 's With Morrie Free Essays on Tuesday\'s With Morrie â€Å"Tuesday’s With Morrie: An Old Man, A Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson† by Mitch Albom has a title which outlines the direction of the book. An older man, Morrie, a young man, Mitch, and about life’s greatest lesson. Morrie was a professor at Brandeis University in Massachusetts when Mitch attended college. Morrie was his favorite professor. A few years after Morrie was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ASL) he was unable to teach anymore. This was about 20 years after Mitch graduated from the University. After graduation, Mitch didn’t stay in contact with his college friends or his favorite teacher Morrie. When Mitch heard â€Å"Who is Morrie Schwartz† on ABC’s â€Å"Nightline† he couldn’t believe what he had heard. Mitch was both horrified and ashamed. It was then he heard about Morrie’s illness. Finally Mitch went to see him. From then on Mitch visited Morrie every Tuesday. Whenever they met, they would talk about the meaning of life. Mitch wrote a list of topics he wanted to talk about. The list consisted of death, fear, aging, greed, marriage, family, society, forgiveness, and a meaningful life. Morrie went through all of these topics, plus more. Morrie helped Mitch understand that there is more to life than money and materialistic things. From the first Tuesday until the last Tuesday, Mitch listened to Morrie, his coach, talk about the real meaning of life. How much life means to you when you are about to die. How much people take for granted. Mitch sometimes looks back at the person he was. He wishes he could change the way he was back then but he can’t. The one thing he really learned was that there is no such thing as â€Å"too late† in life. This book was Mitch’s final project from Morrie. While in college, Mitch wrote a thesis for Morrie, now he wrote another one, but this time it has become a very popular book. As of the summer of 19...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write Philosophy Term Paper Complete Guide

How to Write Philosophy Term Paper Complete Guide Need advice on how to approach a challenging philosophy term paper? Writing in philosophy differs from other types of academic writing because the main aim of any paper is to provide a reasoned defense of the thesis and convince the reader to accept it. If you face problems with completing writing assignments in philosophy, keep reading this article, where you will find a short and easy philosophy term paper writing guide that covers all the main aspects of creating an impressive paper. What Is a Philosophy Term Paper? Philosophy is often defined as an inquiry into important matters for the whole humanity – justice, meaning, truth, reality, mind, and knowledge which philosophy examines logically, directly, and in-depth. In the western philosophy, the philosophical inquiry was developed as a verbal activity, taking a specific form of a dialogue (Socrates) or in the written form (Aristotle, Plato, and plenty of philosophers who followed them). In both forms, the main goal of any philosophical inquiry is to create a thesis and persuade the audience to accept the thesis using logical, honest, and thorough argumentation. In contrast to other fields of study, philosophical writing is argumentative writing. Philosophy papers don’t simply report facts, explain ideas or convey the author’s beliefs. Philosophers examine specific philosophical issues or problems and do philosophy. Their writings typically deal with: investigating the nature of an issue or a problem; presenting a solution or a view on the problem; arguing in defense of that view or a solution. Sometimes, the aim of philosophical writing is to develop a view on an issue or a theory and defend them. Philosophical writings may also present a critique of a view of another philosopher or critique of opposing views and defend the author’s preferred view. The aim of written assignments in philosophy classes is to get students doing philosophy so they are expected to write philosophical essays and term papers. They differ from academic papers you have to write in other classes. Your task is not just to do a research and provide your opinion on the topic, you need to develop your own views on different important issues and argue for them. Your goal is to persuade your audience that your ideas are correct and make your readers believe your view is true. That’s why the aim of your philosophy term paper is to present a well-structured, convincing defense of your position on some issue or critically evaluate a philosophical theory. Choosing a Worthy Topic for Philosophy Term Paper If your instructor hasn’t assigned any specific topic for your term paper, you have to choose it on your own. The best approach is to write on a topic you are passionate about so you will enjoy the writing process. Make sure that your topic is broad enough to write about it and is narrow enough so you can manage it. Basically, there are 2 types of topics for philosophy papers: problem-focused topic and text-focused topics. Problem-focused topics. These concern a certain philosophical issue or problem without reference to some text of a particular philosopher (e.g. Is euthanasia ethical?). Text-focused paper topics. They are about considering the writing of a particular philosopher on a specific issue (e.g. Discuss critically Kant’s freedom definition). The difference between these two types of topics is not critical because any text of a certain philosopher is devoted to a particular philosophical problem or question and practically all philosophical problems have already been written about by philosophers. When writing on text-focused topics, you should approach them as attempts of the philosophers to deal with specific philosophical issues or problems. Actually, you will have to do philosophy with other philosophers and think about the specific issues. As for problem-focused topics, you can use texts of different philosophers when you explore these topics. Of course, this approach is not obligatory but it may be helpful, especially, for beginners because texts can help you stay focused while you provide respond to the question. Here we have a short list of extended philosophy term paper topics which you a free to use to get started. Berkeley, Hume, and Skepticism; Kant on the World; Berkeley’s Doctrine of Signs; Descartes on Certainty And Skepticism; Marx’s Concept of Ideology; Socrates’ Philosophical and Religious Views; Plato’s Theory of Beauty; Aristotles Conception of the Soul; Heidegger on Art; Nietzsche on Human Nature And Morality. Structuring a Philosophy Term Paper Your typical assignment for writing a term paper can be evaluating some thesis or argument that was presented by another philosopher. Concerning this argument or thesis, you may be assigned to make one or more of the following steps: explain a thesis; present an argument to support it; give an objection to this argument or thesis; discuss the consequences that a thesis might; defend a thesis against an objection to it; assess the arguments against and for it etc. No matter which tasks you will have to complete, your term paper should always meet some structural requirements and you need to provide reasons for claims you make. It’s very important to plan your essay in advance before you start writing. You should think about the paper structure where all parts of it are logically connected. There are no strict rules on how your term paper must be structured and the structure will depend on a certain topic to a large extent. But typically, your philosophy term paper will consist of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Introduction Your introductory paragraph has to present information about the particular issue you are going to address, what goal you expect to achieve in your term paper, and how you plan to organize your argument to do it. Make your introduction to be your readers’ guide through your paper that will help them understand your ideas. You can do it this way: Start by formulating your paper’s thesis Define terminology used in your thesis or in your argument Explain the structure of your paper to your readers and inform them about the order in which you are going to argue your key points Don’t begin your paper with some empty sentences like this one: â€Å"For centuries, philosophers have pondered what it means to know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Such a beginning is not relevant and has nothing to do with the topic you are writing about. You may start like this: â€Å"In this paper, I will refute Mr. Black’s statement about†¦ by showing that it†¦ Then I will present 3 arguments that support my thesis. They are 1)†¦ 2)†¦ 3)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Body The body of your philosophy term paper should develop your analysis of a certain problem and express your arguments for your position. This part of the paper should be written according to the brief outline you have presented in your introduction. The body of your term paper has to consist of 3 essential parts: exposition argumentation respond to possible objections Depending on the topic of your paper, you will need to provide a brief summary or exposition of the argument, theory or a view you are going to examine. You will have to explain the argument or the theory in your own simple words and be very precise and concise, providing details that are essential for your thesis and your argument. You can also explain here some technical terms that are necessary for understanding your argument. The main focus of your term paper is argumentation. You have to present an argument to support the thesis you have made in your introduction. You should use straightforward language and be precise in telling what you actually mean. In this part of your paper, you will need some examples to prove your points but don’t include too much evidence or you may distract your readers. Try to be as concise as possible. To strengthen your own argument, you should anticipate objections and answer to them. It’s a very important step in defending your thesis. You should think about the most serious objections to your argument. If you happen not to know what to answer to a tough objection, you should consider 2 options: You may do your best to provide some answer to this objection. You may rethink your own position – what if your own arguments need more efforts or maybe your point of view can’t be supported by argument. You are free to change your mind anytime. You can do it and rewrite your paper according to this. In philosophical writing, this experience does happen and your ideas may become different from what you have thought before. Conclusion Your conclusion should not be long (about 1/3-1/2 a page). You should restate your thesis and explain what you think your argument has proved. You may also want to highlight some important limitations or implications to your argument. How to Get Your Term Paper Done Philosophical problems are complex so you will need a great deal of preparation to succeed in writing your philosophy paper. That’s why you should start as early as possible. You should plan your paper first and write rough sketches of ideas relevant to your topic. Freewriting is a great technique that will help you think things through. Then, you should write a detailed outline that will guide you when writing your term paper. Your outline should include your thesis and your argument in a brief form. You will also need to include possible objections and your responses to them. As you write your outline, you are most likely need to revise certain points in your argument or even the whole answer. You should make as many revisions as you need to feel that your argument is clear and you are completely satisfied with the outline of your paper. Your next step is creating your first complete draft of your paper. You should focus on the clarity and logic of your argument. When you complete your first draft, you should revise it several times, taking into account the logic, the flow, and the particular word choices. You can read your draft aloud or ask someone to read it and provide feedback about it. In this way, you will get a better idea which parts of your arguments are weak and need more work. Your final draft should present the clearest argument you could imagine. When you are satisfied with the content of your final draft, you need to edit it and fix grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You can read your draft backward to better notice possible mistakes or ask your friends and family members to help you proofread your final draft. You should check all your quotes and paraphrases to ensure that they are properly referenced according to a particular citation style specified by your professor. Typically, philosophers use CMS or MLA to format their papers. General Tips from Our Experts on Writing Philosophy Term Papers Stick to your assignment. Make sure that all points in your argument are relevant to the problem and to the defending your position. Get rid of the sentences that don’t advance your argument. Use simple prose. Use simple familiar words and make your sentences and paragraphs short. Don’t write the lengthy introductions because they are boring and unnecessary for well-informed readers. Make your introduction as brief as possible and go straight to your topic. Don’t rely too heavily on paraphrases or quotations. Use quotes only where you can’t do without them and keep your paraphrases to a minimum. Your instructor wants to see your own thoughts. Don’t appeal to authorities. Don’t argue that the claim is true because someone of a great authority was of that opinion. Anyone can be wrong. Don’t appeal to any dictionary and avoid appealing to science because scientific findings are not authoritative on philosophical questions. Avoid emotional appeals because they are not arguments. You shouldn’t tell your audience what you feel. You need to tell them what you believe and provide reasons to explain and support your ideas.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Fittness

The 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Eat a variety of foods. I’m really bad in this area. I usually eat the same things every day. I eat sandwiches for lunch and pizza for dinner. I need to implement a variety of foods into my diet. Balance the food you eat with physical activity - maintain or improve your weight. I’m even worse in this area. Ever since I came to school, my physical activity has been limited to Fit/Well class. I really need to start doing some exercise. My weight right now isn’t too bad, but at this rate I’ll be really fat by the time I graduate. Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits. I do fine in the grain products, but my fruits and vegetables are lacking. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Fat intake should not exceed 30% of your total kcal intake. I average 36%. So, I need to cut down on my fats. Cholesterol intake should not exceed 300 mg per day. I averaged 283. I’m goo d with my cholesterol. Choose a diet moderate in sugars. I don’t eat any sweets. Actually, besides pop, I don’t eat anything sweet, so I’m alright here. Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium. Sodium intake should not exceed 2400 mg per day. I average 1634 mg per day, so I’m pretty good here. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. I don’t drink alcohol, so I shouldn’t have any problems here. Food Guide Pyramid The bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group recommends 6-11 servings per day. I averaged 11.5 servings. I’d say I’m pretty close in that group. I could eat a little less there. The fruit group recommends 2-4 servings. I averaged 1.8 servings per day. I should definitely eat more fruits. The vegetable group recommends 3-5 servings. I averaged 1.7 servings per day. I need to eat more vegetables. The milk, yogurt, and cheese group recommends 2-3 servings per day. I averaged 6.7 servings per day. I need to cut down on my milk and cheese. The meat, p... Free Essays on Fittness Free Essays on Fittness The 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Eat a variety of foods. I’m really bad in this area. I usually eat the same things every day. I eat sandwiches for lunch and pizza for dinner. I need to implement a variety of foods into my diet. Balance the food you eat with physical activity - maintain or improve your weight. I’m even worse in this area. Ever since I came to school, my physical activity has been limited to Fit/Well class. I really need to start doing some exercise. My weight right now isn’t too bad, but at this rate I’ll be really fat by the time I graduate. Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits. I do fine in the grain products, but my fruits and vegetables are lacking. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Fat intake should not exceed 30% of your total kcal intake. I average 36%. So, I need to cut down on my fats. Cholesterol intake should not exceed 300 mg per day. I averaged 283. I’m goo d with my cholesterol. Choose a diet moderate in sugars. I don’t eat any sweets. Actually, besides pop, I don’t eat anything sweet, so I’m alright here. Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium. Sodium intake should not exceed 2400 mg per day. I average 1634 mg per day, so I’m pretty good here. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. I don’t drink alcohol, so I shouldn’t have any problems here. Food Guide Pyramid The bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group recommends 6-11 servings per day. I averaged 11.5 servings. I’d say I’m pretty close in that group. I could eat a little less there. The fruit group recommends 2-4 servings. I averaged 1.8 servings per day. I should definitely eat more fruits. The vegetable group recommends 3-5 servings. I averaged 1.7 servings per day. I need to eat more vegetables. The milk, yogurt, and cheese group recommends 2-3 servings per day. I averaged 6.7 servings per day. I need to cut down on my milk and cheese. The meat, p...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Life in American Culture Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Life in American Culture - Personal Statement Example I shifted from my home country, The Republic of Belarus, to America. The way of living, traditions and values of America were different from my home country. At first, I found it difficult and impossible to adjust there as I was very weak in English. The condition of my written and spoken English may be compared to the situation of mother's English in Amy Tan's novel. As Amy describes it "I can think of no way to describe it other than "broken," as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed, as if it lacked a certain wholeness and soundness" (62). I used to get irritated and annoyed while communicating to friends, teachers and other associates. The difference of language and accent made me feel low and helpless. My social circle was shortened to an extent that I felt isolated and lonely. This was the worst effect of moving from my native land to a new state. Some close associates even gave me their own narratives in my home land in which they told about the difficulties they faced whe n they moved to a new place. These narratives made me more conscious when interacting with other people and they had a negative effect on my interactive cycle as I tried to be more accurate when talking in English, although it was quite impossible for me to do that in the beginning. I used to be a high-spirited and fun loving girl. ... I was somehow compelled to learn English but the great experience of learning other's language was more enjoyable than going out with friends. It was more interesting to express your feelings in a diary or in the college magazine than making fun of others and killing time in watching a movie.The new culture taught me to live with the hardships and discrimination as described by different narratives put by my close aides. These narratives had made me so conscious that before interacting in the new culture I was prepared to have a negative reply. Furthermore the narratives made me shape my identity according to what was required by the people in the new culture. The sense of freedom in this kind of culture made me go taste the feeling of freedom for the first time in my life. In this new culture, I became more independent regarding my dressing, educational selection and job. I had no conservative people around to stop me from wearing any sort of dresses. I was no more bound to wear traditional dress of Belarus. It was a great experience to show your creativity in the selection of clothes. I was also free to choose any subject out of thousands of courses available at different universities in the U.S. Despite of these eases and comforts of independence I soon realized the importance of my homeland and my family. With the passing time I figured out that if I do not find a job I would soon have to leave for Belarus. With this thought I started seeking for a job. This was the first time I tried to take a step alone. I learnt to stand up after falling down. I learnt to achieve and work hard. I started caring about my bills and other expenses. This aspect of living in a new culture

Friday, October 18, 2019

One size fits all datatypes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

One size fits all datatypes - Essay Example The integer types has a number o language applications include signed char, char, short, unsigned short, unsigned long and unsigned char which have different storage size and value ranges (MACDONALD, 02, 2007). The void types exists in three main forms which include function returns as void, functions arguments as void that do not accept any parameter inserted to it and pointers to void that shows the address of a given object but does not include its type. The floating-point types has a applications such as the float, double and long double with different storage capabilities, value ranges as well as precision (CONNER, 12, 2010). The words true or false can be used in the description of Boolean types despite the fact that the two values or terms are hardly used as a single binary digit in order to achieve efficiency. The composite types use programming languages such as union which refers to the total number of permitted primitive data types (BALENA, 23, 2004). An array is a composite type that is able to store large number of elements in the format. An object offers description on the number of data fields that can be accessed through a program code. A set describes an abstract data structure that has the ability to store a number of certain values while a tagged union has additional fields that are used for enhancing the safety of a data type ( STEPHENS, 67, 2004). STEPHENS, J., RUSSELL, C., & HILLYER, M. (2004). Beginning MySQL database design and optimization from novice to professional. Berkeley, Calif, Apress.

Short answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Short answers - Essay Example Large number of missionaries went abroad. Politics: Public had been constantly supporting several things which included Cuban Rebels and working against Spain. 2. Briefly discuss the major problems of American society that concerned the social justice progressives and explain how they tried to confront these issues. Also, what was the one thing that the Progressives lacked in their vision? Answer: The problems of the American Society which had concerned the progressives were the distribution of wealth and racism. When the American economy was transforming from agrarian society to urban society, the natives were at the top being rich while all the poor people were at the bottom including dark skinned people. The progressives had taken the responsibility to improve the society and remove all the vices which had been embodied in the society due to freedom of expression of the American economy. The progressives addressed the issues of prostitution, Alcohol, abortion and child labor, howe ver, they ignored basic issues which caused more trouble namely finance problems, foreign policy and racism. Progressives ignored the issues regarding the country and showed interest in societal problem due to which other parties became upper hand, due to which, the progressives failed. Progressives lacked vision. 3. Discuss the reasons the United States government announced a policy of neutrality at the outbreak of the war in Europe in 1914, as well as the difficulties the U.S. had in maintaining such a policy prior to its entry into the war in 1917. What do you think the outcome of the Great War would have been if the U.S. did not get involved? Answer: US remained impartial during WWI, primarily, due to the impartiality policy which had been adopted by the US against the Europeans. US had a strong European Market due to which it did not participate in the European War. US adopted the policy mainly because of the business markets it had established over there. The main objective wa s to keep the business going with Europe, since; it included a great deal of money. However, Germany and UK created troubles which had resulted in lost cargo and blockades of ships as well as several ships being damaged. Thus, when violence increased against the American Trade, America stepped into war and joined with the Allies. US would have remained neutral if there was no trade policy, nevertheless, the Germans started blocking and British men also blocked the German supplies in retaliation which affected US trade negatively. This is when the US decided to step in. 4. Why do you feel the New Deal was or was not successful in solving the problems of the Great Depression? Answer: The New Deal was not able to meet the objectives of freeing the country from unemployment and restoring the economic strength. The New Deal only had short term effects and was not sustainable. America got out of economic Trouble from WWII and the New Deal only helped in gaining momentum, however, the New Deal was a short term approach towards problem solving, moreover, there was no Long term planning involved in correcting the issues related to financial sector of the economy. New Deal helped in reviving the economy and production, as a result, consumption increased.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Revenue Recognition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Revenue Recognition - Assignment Example International Financial Reporting Standards don’t have many requirements on revenue recognition. IAS 18 and IAS 11 are international accounting standards that focus on revenue and construction contracts respectively. The standards are difficult to understand and application in a situation. They provide minimal guidance concerning revenue recognition used for multiple arrangements. FASB and IASB has set new accounting rules designed to assist converge global standards. The current and proposed standards will change how companies in the United States recognize their revenue on their financial and statements ( The proposed standards will have some different effects on various companies. The effects may include changes in the amount of deliverables of the contract. The standards will affect the manner in which revenue is allocated to different deliverables. These changes affect key financial measures for companies in the United States ( Companies in the software’s industry have specific guidance that enables them to run efficiently. Proposed standards provide software’s companies with an opportunity to develop their company with regard to the management and control of their financial statements. Companies will find it hard to market their products in a sensible manner to the company and get a positive reflection in the financial statements ( Financial Accounting Standards Board in conjunction with IASB is going to develop new accounting standards on the recognition of revenue from contracts. They are attempting to converge financial standards to create a single standard that will apply across various industries. The action will improve revenue recognition rules and replace industry specific practices that are difficult to sustain. The main aim of

How to support an area of personalised learning in the primary Essay

How to support an area of personalised learning in the primary classroom Children with ADHD disorder - Essay Example 2009). In the United Kingdom, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a very common behavioural disorder that affects around 4% of school-aged children and youths (Robertson, 2008). Among the children, there is more diagnosis of ADHD in boys than in girls, indicating that most ADHD cases in primary schools involve boys than girls. Since this disorder affects learning and consequently performance of children in school, it is necessary for the teacher to use personalised learning. This paper is going to focus on how to support an area of personalised learning in the primary classroom. Thus, in order to handle a class of children with ADHD, a teacher should rely on the behaviour and discipline area of personalised learning (Maguire, Ball, & Braun, 2010). ADHD children are of special needs since they are easily distracted and talkative; they are very interruptive and impatient hence need extra help in learning. In this case, the teacher needs to understand how behaviour difficulties develop and are maintained to provide ample support to pupils ensuring that their needs are met (Humphrey & Lewis, 2008). Personalised learning relates to the behaviourism theory of education whereby the behavioural theory states that behaviour results from individuals’ learning from the environment in which they live (Sallis, Owen, & Fisher, 2008). The implication is that reinforcement will strengthen behaviour whereas those conducts not reinforced will disappear. In practice, the teacher should impose rewards and sanctions to encourage or discourage a given behaviour. However, it should be noted that these rewards or sanctions need to be applied disproportionately, such that not everything that a child does is criticised. For instance, teachers can use timers to set limits when children take turns in a group, and should praise those pupils who stay calm until lesson end without interrupting (Wyckoff & Unell, 2010). The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Revenue Recognition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Revenue Recognition - Assignment Example International Financial Reporting Standards don’t have many requirements on revenue recognition. IAS 18 and IAS 11 are international accounting standards that focus on revenue and construction contracts respectively. The standards are difficult to understand and application in a situation. They provide minimal guidance concerning revenue recognition used for multiple arrangements. FASB and IASB has set new accounting rules designed to assist converge global standards. The current and proposed standards will change how companies in the United States recognize their revenue on their financial and statements ( The proposed standards will have some different effects on various companies. The effects may include changes in the amount of deliverables of the contract. The standards will affect the manner in which revenue is allocated to different deliverables. These changes affect key financial measures for companies in the United States ( Companies in the software’s industry have specific guidance that enables them to run efficiently. Proposed standards provide software’s companies with an opportunity to develop their company with regard to the management and control of their financial statements. Companies will find it hard to market their products in a sensible manner to the company and get a positive reflection in the financial statements ( Financial Accounting Standards Board in conjunction with IASB is going to develop new accounting standards on the recognition of revenue from contracts. They are attempting to converge financial standards to create a single standard that will apply across various industries. The action will improve revenue recognition rules and replace industry specific practices that are difficult to sustain. The main aim of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Zara Technoligy can Change Everything Term Paper

Zara Technoligy can Change Everything - Term Paper Example So he integrated forward, opening the first Zara store in La Coruna in 1975(Mcafee et al., 2007, p.3). The growth of Zara was phenomenal since its establishment in 1975. The success of first Zara store encouraged Ortega to open more clothing stores across Spain. It is often said that the innovation and ability to produce new products and services are decisive factors in boosting the growth of an organization. Zara did succeed in introducing new clothing products and trends in the market quite rapidly. Moreover, Ortega gave more emphasize to the production of new designs based on the rapidly changing industry trends, which helped him to compete effectively in the market. 1985 was a year which has huge importance in the history of Zara. Two major events occurred in this year that changed the entire face of the company. â€Å"First, Inditex (Industria de Diseno Textil) was formed as a holding company atop Zara, other retail chains and a network of internally owned suppliers. Second, Jo se Maria Castellano Rios joined the company† (Mcafee et al., 2007, p.3). Being an expert in IT, Castellano did everything possible to incorporate computer related technologies at every corners of the company. He had realized that without computers and internet, no industry can look forward and he changed the face of the company from a low end clothing company to a high end technology based clothing company. It should be noted that the net margin of Inditex increased from 7.21% to 11.2% during the period of 1996 to 2002 (Mcafee et al., 2007, p.16). The above statistics clearly suggest that the company is growing in the right direction since the introduction as a result of the innovative business strategies and the judicious use of technology in all the functional departments. â€Å"At the beginning of 2003, Inditex operated 1,558 stores in 45 countries, of which nearly 550 were part of the Zara chain. For its fiscal-year 2002, Inditex had posted a net income of A438 millionâ⠂¬  (Mcafee et al., 2007, p.5). The growth of Zara can be better understood with the help of Michael Porter’s five forces model. Zara and Porter’s five forces model Michael Porter’s famous five forces model is used extensively at present in business sectors to analyze the competitive power of an organization in the market. It helps business people to realize their strengths and weaknesses. Since market is changing rapidly because of the rapid technological growth, no organization can secure their top spot in the market, if they are reluctant in making periodical changes in their business strategies. For example, the rivalry between Apple and Microsoft is famous. Even though Microsoft concentrated only in the operating system market, Apple diversified its portfolios to many other fields and they became the most valuable technology company in the world at present, pushing Microsoft far behind. In other words, organizations should make changes in their business st rategies based on the changes in the market in order to keep their competitive power intact all the time. Porter’s five force model helps organizations to measure their competitive power at a given time period. Porter model can be used to foresee the future threats and opportunities and the organizations can plan well accordingly. According to Michael Porter, five competitive forces that may affect an organization are; Threat of substitute products, Threat of new entrants, Intense rivalry among existing players, Bargaining power of suppliers and Bargaining power of Buyers (Porter’s Five Forces Model, 2009). The following illustration makes these points clearer. (Porter’

The First Great Awakening Essay Example for Free

The First Great Awakening Essay The first great awakening is best be described by historians as a religious revival that swept through the American colonies. This happened between 1730 and 1745. This revival was a part of the wider movement that was taking place in other regions of the world such as in European regions of Scotland Germany and England. A new age of faith was coming up quickly countering the enlightment age. This was the period that religious faith was being reaffirmed where it mainly meant trusting someone heart instead of the head, this meant feeling were to be more important than thinking. Biblical revelations were to be the guiding tools for the life of human being to be prosperous. This discouraged use of human reason in solving issue related to faith. The first signs of the awakening were seen as early as 1679 following the sermons delivered by Solomon Staddord in Northampton Massachusetts. Periodic revivals occurred after this period but they were usually dying out due to the strong influence of the enlightment age. Jonathan Edward, William Tennent and his family and George Whitefield played a great role in spreading the word and in bringing revival to this region. They are noted for the role they played in initiating religious revivals in the colonies as well as establishing the seminaries where the clergymen would be trained. These clergy people were used to convert people bringing them in to Christianity. (Wallis,J 2008 23) William Tennent has been described a the father of the great awakening, the soldier of Christ and the old grayed disciple of Christ are some of the names that he was given to recognize the role he played in reviving Christianity in the American colonies. He is attributed to the spreading of the fire to many parts of the colony including Ohio and Carolina. He established churches as well as training schools where he trained young men as pastors to help in the spreading of the word. He is accredited for starting the first training camps for the clergy who served in the revival of religion in this part of the world. William stressed on the need for man to seek personal salvation with God, he advocated for the people to repent as they will be convicted of their sins. This made him controversial as the other Presbyterian preachers wanted him to stick to the traditions. He ignited a fire that was carried by his students far and wide to the regions far away helping in the awakening of religion. (Lambert,F 1999 46) The religious enthusiasm spread from the Presbyterians to the purists and Baptists of New England. The clergy were conducting revival employing the strategies used by William Tennent. Jonathan Edwards delivered powerful sermons which ignited a kind of fire never seen before. In his sermon â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† he described how people will be destroyed if they did not turn away from their current state. He stated clearly through his sermons what awaited those who are sinners. Just like William he played a great role in spreading revival teaching to different areas as well as training young men who did a great job in this course. George Whitefield who came to be known as the great itinerant Traveled far and wide preaching the revival message. He emphasized on the need of living as Christians rather as divided people. His eloquent manner endeared many whom he helped to convert. The English preacher together with other preachers formed a movement whose aim was to reform the Church of England. He drew very large crowds everywhere he went such that he mostly opted to preach outdoors. (Tracy, J. 1997 145) The great awakening led to conversion of many Americans, this is shown by the number of people who joined the church, and this increased greatly at around this period. The sermons delivered by the preachers were powerful such that they touched many of whom decided to convert. The major effect was the rebellion against the authoritarian rule which was characteristic in the religious field. The charismatic personalities Edwards, Tennent and Whitefield played a great role in delivering the right messages challenging the status quo. The helped the people to see the light. The necessary reforms were carried out in the church making it more responsive to the salvation needs of the people. The message was not well received by all there are those who wanted thing s to remain the same, they wanted to advance the traditions they questioned the move of the preachers as they condemned the local clergy on the way they conducted the affairs. The great awakening left these preachers sharply polarized as they could not agree with some of the things being propagated by the revival preachers. The first great awakening left the colonials divided along religious lines. (Heimert, A 1966 68)The Anglicans gained from this movement as its membership increased greatly. This membership was drawn from those people who did not approve the revival excesses. Baptists on the other hand gained from the radical converts. The great portion of believers remained in the Presbyterian and congregational denominations but they were divided along the lines of those who supported the revival and those who were opposed to it, the so called new and the old lights. New lights represented those who approved the revival while the old lights are those who favored the status quo. The colonial government was not left out too, in the colonies where the main steam churches were supported by the authorities the other churches lobbied for enactment of the laws which would end the favoritism along religious lines. (Kidds,T 2007 104) The great awakening brought changes in the American church changes that lasted for a long period and continue to be felt up to this time. It is a period when the church became stronger as it gained more members especially those who were converted at around this time. Work Cited Wallis,JThe Great Awakening,HarperOne( 2008) Lambert,F. Inventing the Great Awakening Princeton: Princeton University Press, (1999) Tracy, J. The Great Awakening: A History of the Revival of Religion in the Time of Edwards and Whitefield,Banner of the Truth (1997) Heimert,A Religion and the American Mind, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, (1966) Kidds,T. The Great Awakening:Abrief History with documents,Bedford/St Martins(2007)

Monday, October 14, 2019

8 Step Process For Leading Change

8 Step Process For Leading Change Kotter notes that many companies often overlook this process when they are in their rush in making plans or take action for the organization to takes place. He stated that close to 50% of the companies that fail to make needed change make their mistakes at the start. Leaders frequently undermine the importance of driving people out from their comfort zone or being complacent with their current success or even being careless in developing an appropriate urgency. According to Kotter (2012), if this step is successfully executed, leaders will obtain an accurate status benchmark that would determine whether the state of the organization is: Complacency- occurs whether the organization is at the top of their market or facing bankruptcy, usually when everyone thinks Everything is fine. False urgency- People are busy with their work but all their efforts produce nothing, in fact may cause burnout instead. True urgency- People are aware of the potential hazards and make use of all the opportunities to be productive and make progress. Guaranteed to fail- It started by the poorly thought out in the initial step. Leaders failed to appeals the peoples heart, only their head. Guaranteed to succeed- Leaders successfully aim for the heart of people and able to connect the deepest values and inspire them to greatness. This leads to the success of the organizational change. 2. Creating the Guiding Coalition This step involves the ability of leaders to assemble a group with enough power to lead the change effort and encourage them to work as a team. Placing people together in the right coalition to lead a change initiative is crucial to its success. It is necessary that the coalition to have the correct structure, substantial level of trust, and a shared objective. Complex organizations are forced to make decisions more quickly even though concrete information is not available due to the rapid changing world. It is evident that it is up to leaders and teams to orchestrate the relevant decision that will help the organization to stay sustainable. The development of the level of trust will stick the team together that helps them to be well functioned. Due to the rapid change, team building has to happen quickly. Developing the right team and combining them with the right level of trust with a shared goal in which the team believes can result in a compelling guiding coalition that will take the organization to the right organizational change. Kotter (2012) states that the right team as a whole should reflect the following four qualities: Position Power- the presence of key players will drive the change progress without any obstruction. Expertise- All relevant points of view should be collected to produce informed intelligent decisions. Credibility- People should be aware of the group presence and respect them so that the groups declarations will be taken seriously. Leadership- Qualified leaders must present to be able to drive the change process. 3. Developing a Change Vision This step pushes the leaders to create a vision to set the direction of the change effort and develop strategies for achieving the vision. A vision must be able to offer genuine guidance, flexible yet focused and easy to comprehend. It insires action and guide that action. According to Kotter (2012), effective visions must have these six key characteristics: Imaginable: Able to portray the future state of the organisation Desirable: attract to the long term interest of the organizational stakeholders. Feasible: comprise of realistic and achievable goals. Focused: clear enough to set the direction in decision making. Flexible: permit entities to take initiative and implement alternative responses in changing environment. Communicable: easy to communicate and can be explained quickly. 4. Communicating the Vision for Buy-in This step involves ensuring that everyone in the team understands and accept the vision strategy. Kotter (2012) emphasizes that in communicating the vision for the change, the vision should be: Simple: easy to understand Vivid: able to illustrate to future state Repeatable: easy to be spread by anyone to anyone Invitational: Has the ability to offer two way communication 5. Empowering Broad-based Action In this step, leaders are required to remove obstacles to change, change systems or structures that detrimental to the vision and promote risk taking and non-traditional ideas, actions and activities. The two main barriers are: Structural Barriers In many cases, the internal structures of organisations contradicts the change vision. For example, a customer focused organisations usually lacks of resources and responsibilities for products and services and a low cost organization that claims to aim for high productivity often have large number of staff that is costly to maintain. Therefore, Kotter (2012) states that it is necessary to realigning incentives and performance appraisals to reflect the change vision to obtain the profound effect on the ability to accomplish the change vision. The implementation of Management Information system can help to suppress the problems by keeping the internal stakeholders informed with the competitive information and market analysis in a quick and effective manner. Troublesome Supervisors In many companies, managers will have several interrelated habits that shape the company culture which often limits the ability for the change to takes place. Kotter (2012) explains that this issue can be quite challenging and often in the attempt of removing this barrier, the results can be demeaning. 6. Generating Short- term wins In this step, leaders need plan for achievements that can easily be made visible, follow-through with those achievements and recognize and reward employees who were involved. To obtain desirable results, short term wins must be both visible and not vague. The end achievement must be linked to the change effort. However, short term wins tends to undermine the credibility of cynics and self-serving resistors (Kotter, 2012) 7. Never Letting Up This step includes the use of increased credibility to change systems, structures and policies that do not fit the vision, also comprises hire, promote and develop employees who can implement the vision, and finally strengthen the process with new projects, themes, and change agents. The main challenge for change is resistance and it always present even if the change process runs smoothly from the early stages. People may even celebrate the short term success and suggest taking a break to enjoy the victory before the process finishes. Kotter (2012) mentions several changes must occur by this step: Presence of additional projects. Extra people being brought to assist the change. Leaders focused on giving clarity to an aligned vision and shared purpose. Managers successfully motivated employees at all levels to lead projects. A reduction in interdependencies between sectors. Maintain a high level of urgency Consistently showing the progress of change. 8. Incorporating Change into the Culture The last step requires leaders to articulate the connections between the new behaviors and organizational success and develop the means to ensure leadership development and succession. Leaders must successfully planted the new practice in the culture and ensure that every individuals in the company is indoctrinated into the culture. IKEA Leadership Profile and Kotter 8 Step According to a study done by Ingholt Rasidovilc (2008) Kotters 8 step processes has revealed several errors that occurs in the organization. They conducted a survey that involves the total management team and several most experienced co-workers. They were given the same questionnaires to see how the solidarity between them in regards to the change process. The result of the survey shows the evident of good sign of leadership in one of the departments, as characterized by Kotter (1996). Many respondents asserted that good leaders must be the source of encouragement and engage their co-workers (Ingholt Rasidovilc, 2008). This has shown that this model is a reasonably good model for IKEA due to the 67 points earned from the survey, for one of the departments, in being good at communicating change initiatives in a vivid manner (Ingholt Rasidovilc, 2008). The score for the decisiveness of their leaders however is pretty low, only 49 points. This signifies their inability to handle conflicts, which is one of the key weaknesses that stop changes in management from occurring. Furthermore, they also discovered that the lowest values in the survey are in the main five areas namely: co-worker trust development, implementation of decisions, communication about the future, co workers involvement in planning and the ability to handle conflicts. Th e scores obtained in these areas range from 34 to 46, which are relatively low based on the maximum score. To conclude, this department is proven to have strength in being supportive but weak when it comes to decision making. The presence of indecisiveness explains the origin inability to handle conflict and the character of being supportive leads to the development of trustful relationship between workers (Ingholt Rasidovilc, 2008). The other department however, showed their key strength in their decisiveness and weakness in communication about the future. Another set of criteria showed the key strength in the ability to handle conflicts but weak in the co-workers involvement in planning. In comparison to the general grading result in IKEA, these results are fairly good. Thus the association in this department is that managers in this department are decisive enough to overcome the conflicts but weak in communication about the future which explains the poor involvement of the co workers in the process. In addition, the two departments gave an overall average score of 84.7 in regards to their leadership performance. Ingholt Rasidovilc (2008) states the difference for each department in accordance to Kotters implementation model. The workers in Department 1 felt that the necessity of change was not well communicated which leads to resistance. This is confirmed by Kotters most common error in the first step High level of complacency which undermines urgency, which is often caused by lack of communication. The worker also did not feel the presence of a leader which explains the error in the second step: lack of a powerful, guiding coalition. Furthermore, lack of vision communication has led to error in step three. In Department 2 on the other hand, the co-workers perceived the vision and strategy being communicated to individuals. It is possible that the strong communication among the workers has reduced the presence of resistance. Recommendation Communication is very crucial in conducting change management. Leaders are ought to be able to keep the workers well informed and create an understanding while also create opportunities to get them involved in the process. Leaders must also be able to identify the needs throughout the process. By doing this, the right leader can be identified and will create the best possible opportunity for the department to develop. Lastly, it is also important to make decisions based on what was informed and needed besides ensuring that they are being implemented. Reference Ingholt, L. T. Rasidovic, M., 2008, Change Management-A research at IKEA of Sweden- Power Resistance, Vaxio University. Kotter, J., 1996. Leading change, Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Kotter (2012), J., 2012, The 8-Step Process for Leading Change, Kotter (2012) International, accessed on 9 January 2013: http://www.Kotter (2012)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Truth is Out There do we Wish to Know :: Free Essay Writer

The Truth is Out There do we Wish to Know The Heart of Darkness The search for truth and knowledge consumes us all at some point in our lives, but we don’t always find what we are looking for in Truth. We wish it to be definitive, but more than that, we search for it with the strong belief that we will find it and be pleased, pleasantly enlightened, and will live better lives for it. In Heart of Darkness, it is shown that this is seldom true. Kurtz was destroyed by the truth he discovered about himself and the world he lived in. He had known and believed a "white" truth about the world he knew. His white truth was one of civilized, genteel ideas and actions. Living amongst the privileged few, the artists, musicians, orators, and other cultured people, he knew nothing of the dark depths of the human heart. When confronted with those horrible realities, he was forced to learn the "black" truth about life and people. His mind couldn’t comprehend the truths he had to accept; it was totally contradicting to what he knew, and so he crumbled, selling his soul to sit among demons and devils. He was hollow inside, had no sense of moral or social responsibility, and the black truth he discovered ate away and destroyed him. He regressed to savage behaviors he had previously repressed and let the darkness fill the cold void within him. Because he knew so much blackness, he was unable to live in society again. He cros sed over and relinquished all ties to the civilized world, for he had lived the white truths to an extreme, so did he live the black truths. Kurtz showed what happens when the white truths and lies of society are taken away. Kurtz lived and found sustenance in that reality, when it vanished and was replaced by another, darker world, he folded. In our society, we live by restraint. For Kurtz in Africa, all the restraints were removed and he was allowed to have as much candy as he wished, even before dinner. This proved to be too much for him, he went to an extreme and was destroyed by the excesses he craved, the very excesses that drove him to the top of the tribes and peoples he conquered.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Art of Speaking and the Science of Imitation :: Language Expressions Papers

The Art of Speaking and the Science of Imitation The underlying thesis examined here maintains that meaning is simply subjective value which has been presented (i.e., enlarged or made explicit) in words or in some other plastic or static medium. This presentation of meaning consists in the extending of what is felt by the creator-subject to the other subjects. Although this extension of the primary agent may be the very thing which ultimately creates the space from where reflection might occur, the act of expression itself is not explicitly reflective. In other words, one might say that integral meaning is not reflective but rather is purely informing, while reflective meaning has to some degree lost its integrity. Working from these basic claims, I will examine how quality (or qualification) and quantity (or quantification) are related as functions of the languages of art and of science. PART ONE: The Distinction The use of language both as an art and also as a science, i.e., physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, geometry, etc., is the explicit formulation of knowledge (as information), but can we make some clear distinction between these two ways of using language? Is it possible to separate those values as presented through natural language in dialogue from those values as represented by scientific discourse? One way to make such a distinction explicit is to divide the domain of formulation into 'presentation' and 'representation.' Dialogic language use at its most effective appears to express itself in our spontaneous conversation without the "reflecting will" of a knowing subject.(1) Such is not the same sort of language use involved in a scientific articulation. While the aim of science is to accurately represent its area of study through descriptive measurements and mathematical formulae, a true conversation is the creative attempt to present values which are felt by the speakers.(2) In such everyday discourse, the values of the conversants are not per se re-presented, but rather, it is through articulation in language that these meaningful affects can originally be 'broadcast' beyond the aesthetic, emotional, or perceptive life of the speaker.(3) Language becomes the 'living palette' which in fact helps to create the "ideas" (and in further consequence to produce a reflective "subjec t") in direct response to certain felt values. Without the language, there would be no way to express these integral values apart from the specific physical acts of the individual or reflectively in the chaos of dream experiences.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Obama’s Commencement Speech

Obama’s Speech Everybody knows how good of a speaker Obama is. His speeches always seem to convince the audience, but it is not by everybody understood what distinguishes him from other speakers. Certain skills he frequently uses help him reach his main purpose, but the question remains what these skills include. Therefore, the aim of this commentary is explain how the use of rhetorical devices makes Obama’s speeches stand out and memorable. Rhetorical devices are techniques that an author or speaker uses in order to convey the listener or reader a message with the goal to persuade him or her towards a certain perspective.There are a lot of different kinds of techniques such as irony and the use of metaphors. When listening carefully to Obama’s speeches one is able to distinguish certain rhetorical devices that seem to keep coming back in every other of his speeches. We could say Obama has got some favourite techniques which clearly seem to help him in giving exc ellent speeches. When we take a closer look at Obama’s commencement speech for the Illinois university school of medicine we can also find the devices that keep coming back. The Technique he uses the most frequently is the so called ‘tricolon’, which can also be called ‘the rule of threes’.Tricolon uses series of three to emphasis certain issues and by this making his point even more clear and memorable. In Obama’s Inauguration speech alone we are able to find twenty two example of tricolon and in this commencement speech he also is not ‘afraid’ of using it. Already in his first sentence we are able to find an example of this device: â€Å"After four years of endless work, sleepless nights, and constant stress†. And even though this is his first sentence and it is a joke, he already stresses the fact that his audience has worked hard and that it is something they can be proud of.Also by using three word groups each from a n oun and an adjective he makes the ‘situation’ seem even more dramatic and funny. Another example when he uses tricolon is â€Å"genocide in Dafur or the AIDS epidemic or the fifteen-year-old who was gunned down on front of his house. † By using three examples instead of two or four examples he reaches the just the right point where people will get his point, understand him, where they have had enough time to think about the situation, are able to identify and keep remembering his words.There are many more great examples but tricolon is of course not the only rhetorical device he uses. Barack Obama also knows exactly how to use the pronouns ‘I’, ‘you’ and ‘we’ in a good and effective manner. By using specifically these three pronouns much more often than pronouns such as she, he or they, he is able to create a higher degree of intimacy and solidarity towards his audience. He makes his audience feel as if he is talking to them personally even though he may be speaking to an audience of thousands of people.Also when his topics concern some issues such as the health care issue in this speech, he is able to twist his story in such a way that he really believes that there is a solution and that certainly together we can always come to a solution. It is amazing he is able to tell it in such a way that the audience is also going to believe it. â€Å"This is why we need you. We need you to dream, we need you to speak out, and we need you to act. And together, we can build a health care system in this country that finally works for every American. This part of his speech is a perfect example where all of the most important rhetorical devices come together and work effectively together. We can identify his use of pronouns, tricolon (â€Å"We need you to dream, we need you to speak out, and we need you to act. †) and also anaphora. Anaphora is another of Obama’s favourite techniques. â€Å"We need you† is already repeated four times in just two sentences. The five following paragraphs also consist of anaphora, because they all begin with â€Å"We can (have)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Repeating this part of the sentence does not only give the speech a nice structure, it is much more than that.It is saying in an indirect way that we really, honestly can, but in a much more effective way. Because every time the audience is reminded of that ‘fact’ and when things keep coming back one will be able to remember it easily with the effect that one can also start to believe in his words. â€Å"Perhaps you will first notice when a doctor tells a woman that her husband will need a life-saving procedure that their insurance does not cover and their family cannot afford. Perhaps it will be the late-stage diagnosis of a cancer that could have been prevented with a routine of screening that the patient’s health care plan just doesn’t cover.Perhaps it will be the endless stream of people who wait and wait in the emergency room which is the only place that will treat the uninsured. † Is another example were anaphora and tricolon are combined to create a stronger effect. Again three examples are used together to increase the power of the three separate examples another thing is that all three examples start with â€Å"perhaps† which is used to link the three separate examples but also again to make it more memorable. So Obama knows exactly how to use words in order to create the effect he likes: being persuasive, personal and productive.Every speaker has got his or her own characteristics in their way of speaking and so does Obama. His good and effective way of speaking distinguishes him from others. He is able to create this effectiveness by the use of important rhetorical devices. The three most important devices he uses Obama uses are tricolon, the correct use of pronouns and anaphora. By using these both separate as together he is ab le to make speeches in which his message comes across at the good manner and he is able to make speeches in which he can be as effective and persuasive as possible. 1. 058 words

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Miles Davis Essay

Jon Davis Perspectives in American Jazz Ben Martinson December 10, 2009 Miles Davis: The Last Pioneer in American Jazz Miles Davis represents the pinnacle of modern American Jazz. He was one of the foremost pioneers in the inventions of cool jazz, hard bop, free jazz, fusion and techno. He was, arguably one of the most influential figures in music, pushing the boundaries of what was commonly known as jazz into new directions that most people thought was impossible. Davis was born on May 26, 1926 in Alton, Illinois to Dr. Miles Henry Davis, a successful dentist, and Cleota Mae Davis. Davis’ interest in music was sparked at the age of 13 when his father bought him a trumpet, and arranged lessons with accomplished local musician Elwood Buchanan. Oddly enough, Buchanan discouraged Davis from using vibrato in his music, which was a characteristic that Davis carried throughout the entirety of his career. Interestingly, his mother, Cleota Mae Davis, played blues piano but kept this facts hidden from her son. Because of his proficiency with the trumpet, he was accepted into the Julliard School of Music to study classical music. Davis quickly realized that the classical form was not for him, and desired a more non-traditional approach. Davis made the decision to drop out of the Julliard School because they were not accepting of his non-traditional approach. Davis focused on imperfect melodies in order to distract the users away from the composition of the music, and to concentrate more on the deeply rooted meanings in the music. Davis stated in an interview, â€Å"It's [music] always been a gift with me, hearing music the way I do. I don't know where it comes from, it's just there and I don't question it,† (Miles Davis Properties). After Davis dropped out of Julliard, he got to experience the greatest privilege that any musician of the time could hope for. He received the chance to play with the band of Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. Davis’ performance was rapidly perfected by the influence of Parker and Gillespie (Miles Davis). He saw his first studio time under Parker and Gillespie with Savoy records in September of 1945. This represented a major change of pace for Davis, because he was now qualified to record as a solo artist. Savoy Records offered to sign him as a band leader, where he soon excelled to the point of starting his own nonet called the â€Å"Miles Davis Nonet. † Davis often came off as arrogant or rude because he demanded absolute perfection in all rehearsals and performances from his band members. These demands may have been rooted in the slaps on the knuckles he received as a child from Buchanan. Davis had rapidly become one of the most famous musicians of the time, and had no intention of slowing down. Davis enjoyed a rapid, lifestyle of fame success, and debauchery. His lifestyle began to catch up with him at the peak of his career when heroine became a severe problem in his life. Heroin addiction was not uncommon for musicians during the 1940s and 1950s. It is speculated that his addiction to heroin may have been influenced by both Parker and Gillespie, the two men that made him into a star (Miles Davis). However, the difference between Davis, Parker, and Gillespie was that Davis rid himself of his addiction to heroin by locking himself into a room until he was completely free of his habit and prepared to perform again. Davis rapidly got back to the world of jazz by performing at the Newport Jazz Festival in July of 1955. This performance was one of his best live shows, and proved to Columbia Records that he was ready to record one of his bestselling albums of all time, Miles Ahead. This album featured legendary collaborations between Gil Evans and Davis. It created the new sound of Miles Davis that moved away from Bebop, and more towards unheard of genres of music. In August of 1959 Davis’ success continued with the release of his most successful album, Kind of Blue. This album went on to earn quadruple-platinum success, and to be the best-selling jazz album of all time. â€Å"It never and entered my mind† is my favorite track by Davis. It is the first track on Davis’ album, Workin’ performed by the Miles Davis Quintet. The track features Davis playing a very cool, relaxed trumpet solo, with a walking scale on bass. The scale is a riff and it repeats the entire song. First and foremost when listen to this piece, I just feel extremely relaxed. The song carries a heavy romantic tone to it that one cannot help but fall in love with. It is very much like most of his early trumpet playing because it lacks vibrato, and is overall an extremely smooth piece. On September 28, 1991, one year after receiving the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, Davis died at the young age of sixty-five from a stroke, pneumonia and respiratory failure. Davis’ music has been, and will continue to be popular and one of the most sought after names in American Jazz. His influence on other genres spans wider than most people realize because of the amount of techniques and styles that he experimented with. No audience is out of reach of Davis’ music because of his uses elements of rock, pop, electronic, jazz and so many more genres. His self-discipline, talent, and love for music have earned him 9 Grammy Awards, including a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, a spot in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, stars on the Hollywood and Saint Louis Walks of Fame, and a Knighthood in Paris. These and countless other honors, combined with his record sales are proof of the popularity, influence, and success that Davis will enjoy for years to come in the fields of cool jazz, hard bop, free jazz, fusion and techno. Davis was a stickler for perfection and poured himself into every song he created and performed, and many musicians have him to thank for the success he has brought them. Works Cited Miles Davis Properties, L. â€Å"Miles Davis. † Miles Davis. 9 Nov. 2009 http://www. milesdavis. com/. Miles Davis Quintet. Workin' Rec. 1956. Prestige, 1987. â€Å"Miles Davis. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 2009. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 9 Nov. 2009 http://www. rockhall. com/inductee/miles-davis. NPR, Ken Burns, and Columbia/legacy . â€Å"Miles Davis. † 9 Nov. 2009 http://www. pbs. org/jazz/biography/artist_id_davis_miles. htm. Ouellette, Dan. â€Å"Miles Ahead. † Billboard119 (2007): 48-49. Academic Search Elite. EBSCO. Pickler Memorial Library, Kirk sville. 9 Nov. 2009. Keyword: Miles Davis. Paradowski, Robert J. â€Å"It's About That Time: Miles Davis on and Off Record. † (2005). EBSCOhost. Pickler Memorial Library, Kirksville. 9 Nov. 2009. Keyword: Miles Davis.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

S4 W8 Second WA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

S4 W8 Second WA - Assignment Example They do not believe on aiding people solely but they also seek ways to empower and educate people to become self-sufficient. They work on two approaches which they believe will help the developing world. 1- Jeffery Sachs established the foundation of The Millennium Village model. The basic aim behind the establishment of such village is to being improvement and empowerment in the community (Sachs, 2005). This improvement revolves around crop production, education, creating health awareness, better infrastructure and many more. 2- They are committed to facilitate people on the concept of microcredit introduced by Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh (Yunus, 2003). Through this concept, AVPA lends small loans to skilled women in village. This approach helps them to become successful entrepreneurs and improve their living standards. APVA is different from other NGOs because they are committed to improve the living standards of the people in African villages. They do not believe on aiding the people but they also believe on making the most through their skills. Their microcredit program has helped them to attain their goals in alleviating poverty, hunger, improved healthcare facilities, and education and in other spheres of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexibility to employees Assignment

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexibility to employees and employing organizations - Assignment Example Human beings are the most important asset of any organization. They are equally important to any other component of an organization. The mishandling of this important asset could lead to disastrous situations.Thus HRM section of a company plays an important role in its development and survival of any company. The objectives of management are to use the HR in such a way that they could become most useful. It is the responsibility of HRM to chalk out such strategies that may be useful for employees as well as for organization.The main areas to focus should be; collective bargaining at enterprise level, flexibility in relation to various forms of employment as well as in relation to working time and job functions. Close look at heightened competition, rapid changes in products and processes and the increasing importance of skills, quality and productivity. These factors have also had an impact on HRM policies and practices. In managing change, the key elements include employee involveme nt in effecting change, greater customer orientation, and ensuring that the skills of employees are appropriate to the production of goods and the provision of services acceptable to the global market. As such, managing people in a way so as to motivate them to be productive is one important objective of HRM.While in academic institutions HRM scholars emphasize the strategic role of HRM and define a new role for managing the employment relationship including: new organizational designs, flexible work arrangements, and the development of social partnerships. A theoretical development, that involves the central doctrine of HRM, is the integration of strategic management, organizational reforms. All these strategies lead a prospering business achievements and utter satisfaction of the stakeholders. People work best when supported by the framework that effective management can provide. Managers of human resources in businesses today face a rapidly changing world regarding such issues as changing workforce demographics, diversity, labor shortages, balancing family and work, rapidly changing technology, global competition, growing education and training requirements, as well as equal employment concerns. In addition, stereotypes can be found to exist even among the least prejudiced people yet it is especially important that businesses not let those thoughts impair the ability to manage others effectively. All the above have a definite effect on human resource management. Staffing, training, and development comprise the primary human resource management functions. What is flexibility Flexibility can be defined as the quality of person, group of people or firm to respond to changes. Flexibility can be defined differently in an organization 's perspective. It may encompass few aspects of the organization. HRM is one of the important aspects of the organization that requires flexibility. Innovative and flexible human resource (HR) practices can boost performance and competitiveness of an organization. It has been found out by various researchers that flexibility is one of the most important factors of an organization that contributes to successful business management activities and innovation. Importance and advantages of Flexibility Flexibility is quite important and necessary for a dynamic organization. It provides variety of opportunities and reduces various constrain that could have been faced due to rigidity. Some of the major advantages highlighting the importance of flexibility in HRM are briefly described here

Monday, October 7, 2019

Why was American management criticised so much in the 1980s, so widely Essay - 1

Why was American management criticised so much in the 1980s, so widely admired in the 1990s, and now so despised again - Essay Example This made the practices of the world war come into place, which was further influenced by the presence of the cold war during this time. This only worked to facilitate further bureaucracy as then times was found to be trying (Hood 1990, p.3). This pushed bureaucracy to a new level in that there was a hierarchy of order in relation to the order of business and conducting of transactions. Therefore, management revolved around the authority figures in the business whose decisions were arbitral and impulsive creating further unfavourable decisions for business as the country itself was in a state of panic based on the cold war (Smith 190, p.8). As such, there was little stability in management as many things were uncertain creating further room for abuse of office in relation to decision making for an organization. As a result, most of the administrative issues in businesses found in America came form decision making forms that were mainly centred on the manager. The manager in the insti tutions was the final authority in making decisions, where everything had to go through him or her. This explains the essence of bureaucracy in an organization, which led to the criticism of the management structures and their efficiency. In addition, American management was criticized much due to the antics employed by managers in running the business, where there was more talk than action to back the words in the business. Tis raised questions over the ability of the management to meet the needs of an organization, as the hype that came with the turf of managerial positions did not produce any substance to show that the leader had any expertise to look after the company and drive it profitability. In this, there were only more attempts to make businesses look more profitable than they actually were, which translates to the emphasis on public relations than production of substance to speak for the business. The despicable conduct of management in this case was the use of unconventi onal means or military means such as propaganda to drive businesses and see that they were in a position to make profit or at least engage investors. American management in the 1980s also faced criticism based on the failure of management to deliver on the promises it made on their products and services as is seen through the application of hyped products that were out of reach, showing how little management was doing to meet the needs of their consumers. This way, the competence of American management was in question as there were discrepancies that showed American management to be a fraud thriving on propaganda to drive its popularity through pricy products whose promises were not up to standard, in terms of price. Technology in management also saw American management criticized in the 1980s as it provided businesses with opportunities to develop further, however, American management cut back on the application of technology in business to maximize the productivity of businesses, which saw significant criticism. In relation to this, American management was more intent on mass production methods and not on the desired quality of products. This proved to be poor management s there was mass failure in productivity and decision-making due to bureaucracy and integration of management with other professionals that did not have any expertise in the businesses they were managing. This is generally a failure in the American management system of the 1980s as they were unable to handle business based on expertise, but based on status, which did not look at critical aspects of running a business. In the 1990s, things changed for the better for American manageme

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Should drivers pay a fine for texting while driving Essay

Should drivers pay a fine for texting while driving - Essay Example Now then is today’s world we have cell phones, smart phones, computers, social media and all sorts of technology. You can control, plan, coordinate, search and travel all at once. Because of modern technology all that we used to do while being static, can now be achieved when driving from point to point. The last bit however was not a technological advancement but more of a convenience, a potentially harmful convenience. Texting or use of mobile while driving is distracting and is the cause of most distraction related road accidents. Most States in the US have a ban on speaking on mobile phones while driving and allow hands-free devices. There is still mixed opinions on whether strict traffic rules should include a ban on texting while driving. This article reviews whether there should be a ban on texting while driving. First let us start the argument by saying that Texting while driving is dangerous and that there should be a law and strict penalties against texting while driving. We will now examine why? Many people argue tat texting and driving cannot be equated to drinking and driving under other influences. We all agree that there are far many other distractions to a person in a car. The driver could even get distracted by trying to adjust the volume of their CD player or while talking to a passenger or even glancing back to look for the blind spot longer than necessary. But we have to also bear in mind that these are actions that may cause us to take our eyes of the road but do not necessarily involve too much brain function. While these are actions that are not recommended either we have to agree that talking on the phone or texting involves lot more concentration from the driver than any of these above mentioned functions. A driver could be talking to a passenger sitting next to him or her. But there is a subconscious awareness by at least one of them to watch the road in most cases. A person can have their eyes on the road and