Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sula by Toni Morrison - 1378 Words

Q. Discuss how many characters describe Sula’s birthmark which looks different to several people in The Bottom. Does the birthmark reflect their fears or dreams? How so? Lots of people see Sula in different lights. Their relationship with her determines what they may see above her brow. Most of her relatives and her best friend Nel see a rose. Shadrack, the town crazy, sees a tadpole. Jude first sees a copperhead snake. How her birthmark ‘shifts’ depends on the mood and notions of the person viewing it. It has nothing at all to do with the content of Sula’s character, which so many folks believe to be evil. Sula’s birthmark is mostly seen as a long-stemmed rose. The rose is commonly a symbol for love and is revered for its†¦show more content†¦He may also see Sula as a temptress, a surefire poison that causes the death of his marriage to Nel. On the next page, Jude changes his tune a bit. â€Å"But thinking that Sula had an odd way of looking at things and that her wide smile took some of the sting from that rattlesnake over her eye. A funny woman, he thought, not bad-looking. But he could see why she wasnâ €™t married; she stirred a man’s mind maybe, but not his body.† (104) This thought process shows Jude coming around to the idea that Sula may not be so bad, after all. She shows intellect and that can be appealing, making her seem more tempting as a whole, regardless of her body. Although†¦thinking this and deciding Sula might be attractive means he’s tempted by her fruit and aroused by her somehow. Nel still sees a rose when she comes to visit a sick Sula, years after their friendship pushed pause. â€Å"For the first time in three years she would be looking at the stemmed rose that hung over the eye of her enemy†¦She would be facing the black rose that Jude had kissed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (138). Nel’s perception of Sula’s birthmark has not changed. She doesn’t see a snake or any other deviant creature. She still thinks of it as a beautiful, pure rose which suggests that Nel still feels there’s a kinship between them. Why else would she bother to visit Sula and see if she needsShow MoreRelated`` Sula `` By Toni Morrison1367 Words   |  6 Pagesand well rounded motif, developed throughout the enlightening 1973 novel, ‘Sula’, by Toni Morrison. As an important motif, sacrifice can be a difficult concept for many people to do themselves and as shown in this novel, the audience is shown how the act of sacrifice has both good and bad consequences. 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